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"O how wonderful is the human voice! It is indeed the organ of the soul."

                  -Henry Wadsworth Longfellow

Are you an actor who needs to learn an accent or dialect for an upcoming role or audition?


Are you a director or producer looking for an accent teacher to research and vocal design your production?


Do you want to reduce a regionalism or soften a foreign accent or dialect?




Terri Weagant has been teaching voice and speech techniques to hundreds of students and actors for the past 10 years. Using various vocal and speech techniques, you will learn to master regional dialects and foreign accents, or reduce your current one. Explore the range and depth of your voice as a tool in creating character.




"To work with Terri is a gift. As a dialect coach she helped me immensely during my preparation for Violet Weston in August: Osage County. The Oklahoman accent that was required was subtle yet specific and Terri’s keen ear and patience during our study was steadfast. As a fellow actor, in a project a couple years ago, I couldn’t have asked for a better scene partner. She is a gem and a true actor’s actor and I relish the next time we have the chance to “play ball” on stage again."

- Shellie Shulkin, Actor

   August: Osage County


"In addition to being an excellent dialect coach with a thorough knowledge and understanding of both the physical and environmental attributes that contribute to creating a character through voice, Terri is also an incredible presence with a fantastic sense of humor and a joy to work with! She inspired a love of dialects in me that I will carry through the rest of my life, one that I continue to access daily."

- Leah Fishbaugh, Actor and student



"It's Terri's energy and openness while teaching that set her well above the rest."

- Richard Andriessen, Actor ​

  The Vaudevillians, A Philadelphia Story


"Terri not only taught me to balance careful character study, demanding physical transformation, and mindful health awareness in all of my work, but to always strive to top myself with each new project. Working with her is not only fulfilling, but a damned good time!"

- Ben Wippel, Actor and student



"Terri set me up for success while I was attending Cornish College of the Arts. Her accents and dialects class helped me to understand not just the sound differences between accents, but the intonation, rhythm, and feeling of each different regionalism. I know her training has helped me many times in my professional career onstage as I feel confident in attacking any dialect that is thrown my way. After a show, it is no uncommon for an audience member to come up and say- "Gosh, we thought you were really from there with how you sounded!"

- Mark Tyler Miller, Actor and student 



"Terri helped me really capture the importance of specificity when it comes to learning or coaching dialects and how finding specific examples can be the thing that helps it all click."

- Andrea Drinkwater, Student

"I always considered accents and dialects as my biggest weakness. I actively went out of my way to avoid auditions for shows that required a voice other than my own. Terri not only gave me the courage and ability to do things with my voice I never thought possible, she makes it fun!"

- Michael Eber, Actor and student



















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